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Privacy statement

This Privacy Statement describes how Nravl handles your personal data. We are aware that you place your trust in us. We, therefore, see it as our responsibility to protect your privacy. On this page, we will let you know how we do this.

This website is operated by Nravl established in Londerzeel, also referred to as “we”. This Privacy Statement applies to the website During your visit to this website, Nravl may collect personal data about you, both directly (via a request for data to you) and indirectly. Nravl will only use this personal data for the purposes described in this Privacy Statement and will make every effort to protect the collected personal data.

Purposes of data processing (general)

Your personal data will be processed by Nravl for entering into and executing agreements with Nravl regarding the provision of consultancy services to improve Nravl's services and to manage the relationship with the customer.


An IP address is a number assigned to your computer when you access the Internet. It allows computers and servers to recognize you and communicate with others. IP addresses from which visitors appear to come may be recorded for IT security and diagnostic purposes. This information may also be used in aggregated form to identify trends in website usage and to perform performance analyses.


Because Nravl also uses its website as a recruitment tool, you can send your curriculum vitae to one of our employees during a visit to the website. The information you provide in this context will be used by Nravl exclusively for the following purposes:

  • for recruitment and selection purposes within Nravl;

  • for communication purposes: for example to make an appointment if Nravl wants to invite you for an introductory or job interview;

  • in the event that your application has been considered for the assessment of your suitability for a position that is or may become vacant.




Nravl may use cookies on its websites. Cookies are small data files that are sent to your computer through your browser. Analytical cookies allow us to obtain anonymous information about the visits to Nravl's websites. Nravl will mainly use this information to adapt the websites as much as possible to the wishes of visitors. We will never use cookies to retrieve information from your computer that was not sent with the cookies. We will only use tracking cookies and/or cookies that collect personal data if you have given us explicit permission to do so. If you want to disable cookies, you can disable automatic acceptance in your browser settings. Disabling cookies may affect the functionality of our website.




E-mail messages can also be sent via the website. Messages sent in this way will include your username and email address, as well as any additional information you include in the message. If you send us a request or comments via e-mail, it is possible that Nravl processes the aforementioned data in order to, for example, contact you for/to answer your e-mail.



Special personal data

Nravl does not request special personal data via the website unless this is legally required for the recruitment of personnel. Special personal data are, for example, data about race or ethnic group, political preference, religion or belief, membership of a trade union, physical or mental health, sexual preferences, or criminal law data. We advise against providing this type of special personal data.



Security level

Nravl protects the data entrusted to it using technical and administrative security measures to minimize the risk of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, and alteration. You can think of firewalls, encryption of data and physical and administrative access controls to the data and servers. All Nravl employees must adhere to the security regulations that apply to the entire organization. Personal data is only accessible to authorized Nravl employees and these employees are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of this information.


If you nevertheless believe that data has been misused, please contact us at



Retention of data

Nravl does not store your personal data longer than is necessary for the realization of the purposes described above for the processing of your personal data unless this data is necessary to comply with a statutory retention obligation, or (if this is longer) until the retention period has expired on the basis of applicable codes of conduct and professional rules.



Third parties

Your personal data will be treated confidentially by Nravl and will not be used for other purposes or provided to third parties unless:

  • Nravl is legally obliged to do so;

  • Nravl investigates the possibility of assignment for the benefit of its services;

  • you explicitly request this; this is necessary to be able to send you publications, marketing materials, reference materials or other information;

  • you register for conferences or events organized by third parties;

  • these third parties are other Nravl entities.


The Nravl website is not used to collect or compile personal data for the purpose of disseminating it externally, using it for sales activities and/or to provide mailings for third parties.



External Links

Nravl has included links to third-party websites. If you go to another website via such a link, you should realize that Nravl's Privacy Statement no longer applies there. These third parties or others may collect information about you on these websites. Nravl is not responsible for the content of these websites nor for the actions of these third parties and others. We recommend that you read the Privacy Statement of these websites before providing (personal) data.


The Nravl site may contain functionality to enable visitors to share information via social media, such as Linkedin, among others. These social media applications may collect and use information about your use of the Nravl website. Personal data you share via social media applications may be used by other users of that social media application and such interaction is governed by privacy policies of those social media applications. Nravl has no influence on, and no responsibility for, those social media applications. In addition, the Nravl website may make use of blogs, forums, crowd-sourcing, or other applications and services. The purpose of such applications and services is to facilitate contact and knowledge sharing. Personal data that you make available through these applications and services may be shared with other users of these applications and services, unless otherwise stated, over whom we have little or no influence.



Rights of data subjects

If you have a relationship with our organization, you can view your personal data after a written request (by e-mail to the address below). If the overview provided by us contains factual inaccuracies, you can request us in writing to change the data or have it removed. In addition, if you do not wish to be contacted with information about our products and services, you can notify us in writing. Nravl accepts the responsibility for personal data, that is kept by it after it has been provided and checked on accuracy by you, to be recorded carefully. However, Nravl subsequently accepts no responsibility for the topicality of personal data once provided. If possible, after being made aware that certain personal data collected on the website is no longer correct, Nravl will adjust this data based on new data we receive from you. You have the right to submit a complaint to the Belgian Data Protection Authority if you believe that actions by Nravl give rise to such a complaint.



Contact details

You can send your questions and requests regarding the processing of personal data to:



Change privacy statement

We reserve the right to change our privacy statement. Changes will be published on our website.


This page was last modified in December 2022.

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